â™ģī¸ROYAL Recycling And Destruction Plan

The essence of recovery and destruction lies in value reconstruction. The block-chain + game Eco-chain is one of the few healthy etiologies that can continue to make profits apart from the exchanges. The platform itself is extremely valuable, and the mechanisms implemented will also allow users, investors and game developers to increase their value together, creating a long-lasting positive ecosystem, and through the buyback and destruction mechanisms set up to make the platform ecological development sustainable and solid.

At the same time, the destruction is a form of cost allocation, except that it increases the price of tokens more effectively. Destruction directly reduces the amount in circulation, which increases the value of the remaining tokens. By burning the tokens, the profits are embedded in the token price itself, which prevents users from selling, as selling the profits means they must sell a portion of their principal. This is a more efficient way of rewarding the original long term holders and incentivising more users to hold for the long term.

The Royal Token used by players to exchanged for game coin will 100% be recovered and burned.

burn contract address: 0x28CD5bEFB8d19B57ec2e17066cD19f93C4C66DC8

Last updated